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Disney sci-fi/fantasy movie posters

When we think of Disney films we likely think of cartoons. However over the years they have knocked some some sci-fi and fantasy films with you know actual real people in them. Some of those types of films have been quite good. A number of the ones that are just average normally had some good visuals in them too because Disney of course has money to put behind their movies. Here is just a selection of posters for some of those films.

blackhole 220px-CatFromOuterSpace

936full-something-wicked-this-way-comes-poster 1994584-rocketeer_poster dsposter island2 JCOM_B1_POSTER_PAYOFF_2 MPW-33798 tumblr_lqhm4zLvJj1qdhvyro1_400return-from-witch-mountain-movie-poster-1978-1020243308a57d14f4f18e7eb542b6561c3267a261

6 responses to “Disney sci-fi/fantasy movie posters

  1. bejamin4

    The Rocketeer: I didn’t enjoy it that much but I always remember watching.

  2. The “Something Wicked This Way Comes” posters has always been one of my favorites. Not my favorite, but how can you resist watching something whose packaging looks that cool?

  3. Watcher in the woods was my favorite Disney movie/horror flick. It was probably also the first one I had seen. The best part was because it was Disney they show it at school sometimes. I took a sadistic pleasure in watching all the other 3rd graders covering their eyes.

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