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Upcoming stuff and junk


I should have a review of another CHiPs episode today to wrap up Erik Estrada week. Dr. Smith will likely be by over the weekend to share another insult. Tomorrow is the first Saturday since like Labor Day weekend that I don’t have work or some event I have to take the kids too. Although I am beginning to look like a mad scientist and my son looks like a bushy coconut so I suppose we may have to go get haircuts, but I can still sleep in a little before that. Next week brings us Thanksgiving so my entry not entre for the holiday week will be a review of a Munsters episode that involves Thanksgiving. Plus I’ll get to a sword and sandal film I hope and maybe one more movie perhaps a sci-fi film of some sorts. Possibly I’ll do a things I’m thankful for list relating to horror, sci-fi and fantasy.

Have a great week!

5 responses to “Upcoming stuff and junk

  1. Sounds like a great week coming up, have a good time and I’ll look forward to the Munster episode review as well. That sounds great fun.

  2. Hey there, don’t worry about your hair needing to be cut. If you’d seen a recent photo of me you’d probably think your hair is short. πŸ˜‰

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